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“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”

Marcus Garvey

“We are not makers of history, we are made by history”


Martin Luther King Jr






Skills Progression Map                                                                               Vocabulary Progression         

Two Year History Curriculum                                                                    EYFS

Using our chronological understanding to order maps of the world


Why do we teach this? Why do we teach it in the way we do?

At Greenpark Academy we value the learning of history and the subject specific skills our children develop.  Through the study of history our children become confident, inquisitive and independent learners.  Our history curriculum is designed to inspire curiosity about the past and how it has shaped the world in which we live today; enriched by making links with our locality to encourage a sense of pride and respect for the contributions of local people in different historical contexts.

At Greenpark Academy our history curriculum is linked to termly whole school themes that are referred back to through our two year curriculum programme, allowing our children to make connections with previous learning whilst strengthening their historical skills.  We intend for our children to ask questions about the past and gain knowledge and skills through experiences in the classroom, and beyond, that are transferable across the curriculum.


What do we teach? What does it look like?  

Our history curriculum has been developed to ensure our children’s awareness and understanding of the past is supported by giving opportunities to apply their developing subject vocabulary.  A chronological awareness is developed through regularly making connections between and across periods of study to secure their understanding of events and significant individuals in relation to one another. 

Opportunities to reflect upon prior learning within the subject, and across our wider curriculum, is woven through planning and delivery.

Every period of history studied at Greenpark Academy is guided by an enquiry question, with further sequenced small steps designed to enable children to build on their understanding. 

Historical enquiries will include a significant individual and, where possible, a local interest to further develop our children’s curiosity for the past and a deeper understanding of their connection to it.  Children are able to immerse themselves in their learning through a block teaching approach that makes learning memorable.

Knowledge organisers to accompany each topic are designed to include:

  • the overarching enquiry question
  • key individuals
  • a timeline to place the period being studied
  • key vocabulary
  • end of unit expectations

Planning is informed by N.C objectives and includes subject specific skills that are carefully selected and applied to suit each unit of study; progression of these from Reception to Year 6 is clearly mapped out across the school.  Work is recorded using a class book that records the learning journey through pictures, examples of work, student voice, videos (QR codes) and teacher observations.  At the end of each unit an assessment of children’s learning in relation to the enquiry question is made and recorded.


What will this look like by the time they leave?

Through the study of history, our children will have a good knowledge and understanding of:

  • Chronology: British, local and world history
  • Historically significant events, people and changes
  • Historical interpretations
  • Historical enquiry and investigations
  • Organising and communicating about the past

Our planning and delivery of history enables:

  • Our children to discuss, analyse and provide reasoning in every lesson through an active and creative curriculum.
  • Prior knowledge, historical concepts, vocabulary and subject skills to be built on as children progress through the key stages.
  • Children to share their understandings with others and ask relevant, thoughtful questions about their learning. 
  • The development of enthusiastic, inquisitive and confident young historians.

Exploring artefacts during our Captain Vancouver experience at Lynn Museum

Bringing History to life at our school allotment: Boudicca's Revolt!