Why do we teach this? Why do we teach it in the way we do?
At Greenpark Academy, reading is viewed by all stakeholders as a vital life skill. As a school, we also believe that reading is key for academic success and progress in a number of curriculum areas and therefore we provide our pupils with the skills and confidence to handle a variety of text. It is our aim to immerse the children in a language rich environment to develop and grow their vocabulary in order to empower them and expand on their prospects after school.
At our school, we hold reading for pleasure very close to our hearts. It is our aim for the children to have a love for reading in general and to experience reading of all genres.
What do we teach? What does it look like?
At Greenpark, we have an inviting, well-stocked library. Children visit weekly and are able to choose from a wide range of genres which have been handpicked based on children’s interests and our curriculum topics. We aim to ensure all children are able to access books and staff model the use of and pleasure gained from reading.
Children in EYFS and KS1 work on their reading skills by learning in our phonics sessions. We follow a programme called Phonics Bug. The delivery of our phonics is supported by the Phonics Bug reading book scheme.
Reading skills are then built on as the children move through the school. From Year 2 onward, children enjoy daily reciprocal reading sessions in which they are taught the skills of questioning, summarising, predicting and clarifying. In addition to this, across the school, our English lessons are text based which gives children even more opportunity to deconstruct text and work on their fluency and comprehension skills.
Each class enjoys daily ERIC (everyone reads in class) sessions and all are read to on a daily basis. Class texts are chosen appropriately and are of a high quality. Through these class book sessions, children get to hear teachers read as experts modelling to the children as they read. Children are given time to discuss class text.
What will this look like by the time they leave?
At Greenpark Academy we understand reading is a vital component of becoming a successful learner. We see that reading goes beyond statutory assessments. Reading increases children’s cultural capital and helps them experience things they otherwise would not.
Back in 2020 when the school had to close due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, Mr Stanton started reading stories for children. He is still going now (710 videos later) so we thought we would share the link for you and your child/ren to have a look at.
You will see, Mr Stanton also used YouTube to teach phonics, these videos are all still available for you to watch too.